Monday, April 9, 2007


In order for you to be ready for the next season you have to clean out your closet. Take inventory throw out the crap. Toss those gauchos (that didn’t really work with your shape anyway) or that graphic t-shirt (that made you look like a high school junior) and donate it. In life, just like fashion, in order to stay ready for what's new you have to make edits. Otherwise you are constantly buried under old stuff. Now I am not saying get rid of everything. I don't know about you but I don't have the time or money to buy a new wardrobe every season but, do hang on to the key pieces that work. Once you do that you can go ahead and build on those staples. Stock up on the latest trends and continue being the best you, you can be. I've provided a short list where you can get started.

Replace ____________________with __________________________

Black ballet flat / Updated metallic version
Wood Jewelry / Clear Lucite
Graphic tee / Striped Tee

1 comment:

StarAccessoriesPlus said...

So far so good! I would love to see more spring wear fashion that could be worn either during the day and night. The images can be a little bit clearer, but other than that I love it. Keep the fashions coming.